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Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Hooray for atrophy!

False alarm, I over-reacted. No surgery needed for the offending thigh, just some 1 on 1 time with a large masculine woman 3 times per week for the next 3 weeks. I guess I'll take that...

We now return you to your normal programming.

Tuesday, July 17, 2007


I know what you're thinking. These are NOT my legs to the left, although it might be kind of cool to have definition like that...I mean, shoot, you can see right through the skin!

Nah, really though tough times are a-coming on the horizon... The swelling has given way to reveal a lovely depression above the knee - where my quad muscle should be. The result is a sweet gangsta lean as I walk down the streetz, yo!

...also, a good chance of surgery. The orthopedic surgeon will confirm that tomorrow. But the sooner I go under the knife, the sooner I can get back to doing what I love. These past few weeks have made me realize how much I appreciated and enjoyed being outside and active. Its been a good awakening to remind me of how crappy the couch and tv is, and how amazing even just the simple things of hearing yourself breath and hearing your feet hit the pavement are. I seem to have a habit of always realizing a good thing until after its too late... I should try and change that behavior. Oh well, theres always alcohol right?

Maybe this is for the best!

I went ahead and took a page from the boys on the CSC cycling squad and picked up a couple black wristbands that read in bold, "Harden the Fuck Up". Simple, straightforward, and non-confusing. Slightly corny, but a damn good reminder for when the going gets nasty in the next few months.

Tomorrow begins the new journey, and the journey is the effin reward. Yippee kay yay, mofo.

Sunday, July 8, 2007


Game over for the tour on the last day. I tried moving a tree with my thigh, and it didn't exactly work out the way I planned...

Monday, July 2, 2007

Tour de Burg Stage 4

Massanutten Ridge riding with total mileage on the mtb somewhere around 40 miles, and criss crossing across Ft. Valley. Exhaustion is at meltdown level, so complete sentences is no longer required. Here are my random non-coherent thoughts about the day. Rocks, rocks, and more rocks on the ridges. Jackhammer feeling. Slooooow. Lost time to second to last place guy, and DFL jersey is starting to funktify. Pain. Burrito dinner made achiness go away for brief period.

100 miles on the road bikes over gravel, and pavement with massive climbs, including gravel road climb all the way to the top of Reddish Knob from West VA. Ughhh, best chance for getting some time back if I can hang onto a pack for the timed sections. Little grill mexi night is my motivation.

Triathletes are soft.

Sunday, July 1, 2007

Tour de Burg Stage 2 and 3

Stage 2 ended and I'm back in the DFL jersey, after a long atomic battle today. A climb up the backside of Mass. Mtn. Resort, a gravel climb and descent on Cub Run road, and a final assault across New Market Gap on 211, with a parade pace back to town to finish. Grand total of 76 miles for the stage. A nasty flat on the Cub Run descent put me to the back of the pack again after a solid effort on the climb. It was tough seeing my competition roll on past me as I freakishly change my tire. Luckily I got a little time back ont he New Market gap section to keep the time difference close. I banged my knees into my handlebars a few more times too even out the huge hematomas I've already accumulated over the past days.

Stage 3 was a short time trial on some nice local trails in town. 30 second between riders let you be close enough to see your closest competitor but not quite close enough to pass. I tried to make a move to pass back the 2nd(to last) place guy, but stumbled on a rock garden losing his wheel. Finish line was at the door step of Luigi's pizza, which inside scoop, has it closing its doors for good within the year!! Anyways, a nice pizza and salad dinner with a couple beers amongst friends and fellow cyclists made the day complete.

Crazy nar-nar rocks tomorrow on the Massanutten ridge. Shooot!
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