I know what you're thinking. These are NOT my legs to the left, although it might be kind of cool to have definition like that...I mean, shoot, you can see right through the skin!
Nah, really though tough times are a-coming on the horizon... The swelling has given way to reveal a lovely depression above the knee - where my quad muscle
should be. The result is a sweet gangsta lean as I walk down the streetz, yo!
...also, a good chance of surgery. The orthopedic surgeon will confirm that tomorrow. But the sooner I go under the knife, the sooner I can get back to doing what I love. These past few weeks have made me realize how much I appreciated and enjoyed being outside and active. Its been a good awakening to remind me of how crappy the couch and tv is, and how amazing even just the simple things of hearing yourself breath and hearing your feet hit the pavement are. I seem to have a habit of always realizing a good thing until after its too late... I should try and change that behavior. Oh well, theres always alcohol right?
Maybe this is for the best!
I went ahead and took a page from the boys on the
CSC cycling squad and picked up a couple black

wristbands that read in bold, "Harden the Fuck Up". Simple, straightforward, and non-confusing. Slightly corny, but a damn good reminder for when the going gets nasty in the next few months.
Tomorrow begins the new journey, and the journey is the effin reward. Yippee kay yay, mofo.