Do you ever wonder where we might be if one, possibly minute, detail in the past went differently? If we said one thing, instead of nothing at all. If we went one place, instead of going to another. Would it set a whole different set of events or actions in motion, and change our entire path in life? Those things we care about: our friends, our location, everything, could potentially be completely different...for better or worse. Its funny how things can work that way I guess.
I suppose thats why its better to live in the now, and look to the those things that have yet to occur, than hang onto the past. To focus on the things we can change(such as ourselves), and not dwell on those things that we cannot(such as the past or other people).
Who knows what the future holds!
Though we travel the world over to find the beautiful, we must carry it with us or we find it not.
-Ralph Waldo Emerson
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