There she is, right above people. The one, the only Gary Fisher Cake 1 dual-suspension two-wheeled wonder. She is HOT, and shortly she will be mine...counting down the minutes courtesy of the newly installed Countdown timer I added over to the riiiight. Impressed, huh? See, bike riding, spandex wearing, 20 something's can be nerds too. Its a beautiful thing. I know what you all may be saying, something like "But Andy, you already have plenty of bikes including a perfectly good mountain bike, right!?" WRONG. First off, it is common sense that one can never have enough bikes. Theres always one more you need to get...cyclocross, track, commuter. It doesn't matter, as long as its two wheeled and doesn't consume that Black Crude Mr. Cheney and his cronies want us to love...but, I digress. Second-ly, my current off-roaed goddess, as lovely as she is, is getting over the hill. Specifically, the front fork is completely blown and there is no hope in attempting to revive it, and I no longer appreciate the annoying brake-rub that accompanies my current hydraulic brakes. So, time for an upgrade! This sweet machine will be coming available, I'm told, in late March, and should be ready for ridin' a week or so later... just in time for a little adventure racing action, Xterra's, and of course
THE TOUR DE BURG. Woo, gets me all flustered just thinking about it. Well, keep the rubber side down..
Good Song:
Army Navy - Snakes of Hawaii