Whats good? Damn, feels like just yesterday I was celebrating Christmas, and on vacation with the 'fam sippin on some eggnog, opening presents, hanging out in good 'ol Wiscahhhnsin, don't yah know. What happened to the past 3-4 months? Who knows... When I was in college it seemed like time just stood still, but out here in the wild it just flows on by. Days run into days, months to months, years to...well, you get the idea. But its all good, I'm enjoyin' this new life out of the protective bubble that is "JMU". Gotta keep reminding myself to keep pushing that envelope, stay out of the ruts, and live life. Speakin' of which, gotta go... Keep it rizzeal.
Good Song: Flaming Lips - The W.A.N.D
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