Well. Where do I start? Basically, I cancelled the camping trip as I was shivering in my sleeping bag, on a little ridge about 3000+ feet up, in the middle of a windy rain-driven storm after 7 or so miles of hiking...up. Don't get my wrong the trail itself was awesome, and would have been fabulous if the temps had cooperated and not been so freaking North Pole-ish! Oh well, I returned home the same day wet, cold, and tired. I'll be back to complete the whole loop soon enough, oh yes, I will. Next time I'll be ready. Ready to not get big huge blisters, and not carry a ton of stuff, and well, you get the idea. Until then, I train...for the marathon, or, to do that hike again? Who knows... here are some pics, maybe you'll get the idea:

Winding my way up the trail...leaves were BURSTING with color!

Mmmmm...dark, and ominous.

Looking up towards Lookout Mountain (say it with me, "32% grade".)

"Water, water everywhere and not a drop to drink."

Mother nature has a sick sense of humor.
Good Song: The Kooks - Ooh La
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