Am I in first? Or am I in last? You'll never know!
I realized during this brief 30 minutes of atomic pain that, while cyclocross racing, your bike chain is either in 1 of 2 positions - Dropped, or in the process of being dropped. Its a downward spiral of frustrating agony as tattooed bike shop mechanics who look like they had 3 too many cases of PBR roll right on by as you slip in your personal puddle of tears while bending over to connect the gears again. Of course, they could easily kick my ass with one finger because, alas, I am a fragile mistake of a triathlete. Pathetic really, and for that I should be shamed for all eternity. Or just offered a bottle of MD 20/20. Your decision (choose wisely).
Bottom line: 'cross racing is some sweet stuff, no matter what goes wrong/right.
Good Song: Interpol - No I in Threesome
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