Dwight K. Schrute (the one with the elf hat)...
To you, my incredible internet, I dedicate my blog. You, the world wide web, make all of our lives possible. What did we do before you existed? How did we get by?
Here's what you provide me, what you allow me:
1) The ability to check my e-mail
2) Holiday shopping for all my friends (11) and family (43).
3) My blog
4) Videos of violent accidents
5) The ability to research weather patterns, the klingon language, the karma sutra, and/or chevy slant-6 engines from 1979-1982.
6) German culture
7) Images of women
Speaking of women, what is up with the fairer sex? Why are they so moody and impulsive and emotional?
Dear readers of Schrute-Space (many, many of whom are women) I need help in understanding what makes chicks tick.
For instance, I will hear a certain girl say "Do I look fat?" And I will respond, "What do you mean by fat? In some cultures, (bush pygmies), you would be considered 'hefty' or 'chunky' even. But to others (wisconsin) you would be as skinny as an anorexic."
My observations are true and correct and yet I'm the one who has to apologize and buy 8 dozen roses and a dinner at Red Lobster in order to make up for it.
As Science officers Spock or Data would say, "highly illogical, Captain."
Speaking of which. Who would win in a fight?
Spock, Data, Bruce Lee or Sly Stallone from 'Judge Dredd'?
That is all.
Dwight K. Schrute
PS. Christmas is upon us. This year I have decided to dress as an elf. On my head at least. The rest of me is dressed as Dwight.
PPS. I want everyone who reads this blog to have a wonderful holiday season (including Hannukah and Kwanzaa and Ramadan) and I want everyone who doesn't read this blog to have a sucky holidays.