Not just any camera though, a Kodak Easy Share C340...hey, they even threw in a FREE printer dock so that as soon as I get back from my crazy expeditions in the wild (concrete) jungle of D.C. I can immediately print these bad boys out to share with all! Weeeee. In reality, I got it because I think I see some pretty cool stuff while I'm out biking, hiking, snowboarding, socializing, etc. and in this day in age, with my short memory span caused by information overload, I need documentation to show that yes, in fact, I did go to *insert destination* or wherever. So there you have it, and be on the look out for some sweet pics as I start playing with this cool gadget. Hell, the picture you see at the top of this post was taken with the new camera....Its just a picture of my room BUT I added some nifty effects to make it look like a cartoon. How you like me NOW?! Haha.
Well, be sure to enjoy your extended holiday, and don't eat too much. Peace!
Good Song: Youth Group - See Saw
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