Instead of my typical day of sitting in a cubicle doing work my company had a "Community Meeting" for all the Goverment consultants. A sort of "All Hands" meeting, if you will. It was pretty well done. Of course there were the usual speakers trying to get you motivated, and feel good about what you do, but that is to be expected I think. Alot of prizes were given away, including Ipods, Irobots, and other trinkets for staying awake during the speakers, and paying attention. Whatever gets it done, right?!
The final key note speaker was a man by the name of Steve Farber. He has written a book called The Radical Leap, and it discusses the concept of "Extreme Leadership". What is extreme leadership you ask? Well, according to Mr. Farber it relates to L.E.A.P (of course, another acronym) which stands for:
L = Love, E = Energy, A = Audacity, P = Proof
And to me, I think it really makes sense...and more importantly relates to not just business, but ANYTHING we have a hand in. Because you have to have Love for what you do, be Energetic about it, contain Audacity to make changes when necessay, and have Proof of results. All of which, when combined, creates a successful leader AND a succesful person. In addition to this concept, he also discussed the "OS!M". The OS!M stands for "Oh, shit! moment". Or, that moment when you think you've bitten off a little more than you can handle, when you want out, but you keep pushing ahead to see success. An OS!M. The exact thing that pushes our boundaries, keeps us honest, and motivated to pursue excellence in anything we do. Everyone should be working to find their OS!M. Its what divides the winners from the losers. Interesting stuff, and something I believe I've experienced recently, and can see the benefit from.
Hopefully, you do too.
Autumn Winter 24/ 25
5 months ago
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