A quick little sattelite post coming directly from the Carrier Library on the campus of JMU...one of the few times I have actually stepped foot inside, as well. Better late than never I guess! Anyways, the inaugural ride on the new mountain bike went well yesterday afternoon with a few minor dificulties...I met up with some old friends who lived in the 'burg to hit some trails out around Singer's Glen. A HUGE climb to start on a nice fire road provided some amazing views of the valley below and Mass. mountain in the distance. I should mention that I was unable to change out my left cleats to fit with my new pedals sooo I was basically riding one footed the entire time. Sweet! No matter, the mountains, woods, and good people more than made up for it. After the climb we continued on and began descending on some niiice long single track, and at the same time noticed some threatening clouds rolling in behind us. Uh oh, high elevation + thunderstorms + metal bikes between your legs does not equal a safe time. We cruised as fast as possible down to lower elevations, and were finally overtaken by this brute of a storm. I guess it was kind of cool getting rained on the very first time you ride a new bike...almost like a baptism. Boy, was it a beautiful thing. Everytime I'm out there in the woods, I'm always thinking to myself "If only I could stay forever." It is that amazing to me.
The night wrapped up seeing some more good friends and some ladies, and getting a sample of what is now the JMU male and female population. I must say, I am not impressed. Maybe my perspective has changed, but every dude seems the same to me...scraggly hair, lazy, un-adventurous, and seem to drink more than they go to class. As for the ladies, wow, I mean if you have a body then by all means show it...but, jeez that freshman 15-30 is now hanging out of that tube top and it is NOT attractive. Haha, ohh college. Well, tonights another night and we'll see what more trouble I can get myself into! Pictures are on their way...
Good Song: Sun Kil Moon - Ocean Breathes Salty
Autumn Winter 24/ 25
5 months ago
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