Whew, this morning was the discovery of another sweet place to mountain bike in the Greater D.C. area. Met up with a fellow tri clubber to check out the trails at Fountainhead Regional Park. It consists of 10 miles of some solid up and down rollers with a few rocky sections to boot, and beautiful view of the surrounding lake here and there. Not too shabby of a trail system, I must say. We got in 2 loops which rounded to about 2 hours of ride time, I was still feeling good afterwards to I decided to hit up the OTHER side of the park where the equestrian hiking trails were for an EASYYY trail run. Turned out to be anything but easy with tons of those steep-ass trail stairs, roots galore, and rutted up horsetracks that were just waiting to grab an ankle and take you down. No matter, the weather was perfect, the sun was shining, and it was a great morning to be outside. Now its time for a pizza...
Good Song: Cursive - Driftwood
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