Day 1
Finally arrived at Glacier and it is everything I though it would be. Lots of mountains, lakes, and woods! The group I met is quite friendly. They come from a variety of backgrounds, have tons of interesting stories to tell, and all have a common love of the outdoors. I'm the youngest as I expected, but that's alright. For now I'm just enjoying listening to the many experiences the others have had. We're staying in the group campground for tonight, then begin our trek to the backcountry in the morning. It should be interesting as it appears most of the group has experience camping, but I'm not so sure about hiking with a pack on. We shall see! I'm happy to be back outside again.
Day 2
An early start beginning with a 5:30am wake up, and swift trip to the trailhead. After some introductions to our trail crew leaders we began our trek into the wilderness. Complete beauty surrounded us, with towering mountains, and trees for as far as the eye could see. I forded my first river today(Middle Fork of the Flathead), and then a second time through a creek(Nyack). The water was freaking freezing, and it iddn't help that the rocks submerged in the water were covered in a slimy sheet of silt. A few close calls crossing, but noone took a bath. We then continued on for another 6+ miles until we reached basecamp at around 4000ft. We're camped next to a primitive ranger patrol cabin along the Nyack Creek. I can hear the stream in the background as I write this. Shouldn't have any problem sleeping tonight. But first I'm hoping for some Northern Lights. P.S Still no bear sightings!
Day 3

Wow, was it chilly getting up this morning. Even the hot chocolate and warm b-fast didn't keep my fingers and toes from going numb. The sun neglected to hit our valley until 9:40am, but when it did it was GLOOORIOUS! Took a short hike farther up the trail just to stretch our legs out, and came back in time to enjoy a filling lunch. This was followed by a talk about our trail work and animal safety. We had enough sitting and listening, so a few of us decided to scramble up the creek a ways. I switched from boots to sandals quickly as there was no hope of staying dry. The views along the creek were quite picturesque with many rapids and pools that were the deepest of blues. I took a jump into a little swimming hole on the way back, and it quickly reminded me that this was a glacier-fed stream. Sooo cold, yet so nice! Tomorrow we begin our trail work.
To be continued...
Good Song:
Belle & Sebastian - If She Wants Me
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