Day 7
Rest day today. A long hike with a group of others. 2.5 hours out to a ford(not the car), followed by lunch, a nap, some photos, and exploring. A turn around for the return trip, and a total of about 12 miles of hiking. It was warm and sunny, and the post-hike activity was, of course, rock jumping into the swimming hole. Awesome! Back to trail work in the morning, its the second to last day of it.
Day 82nd to last day of trail work. More fill lines and brush clearing lines, both of which I've just about reached my limit with. It has been a blast here, but I am starting to miss what I know as "home" more and more. And I'm not so sure what my apartment is looking like... Anyways, cheese cake was the desset for tonight's dinner, and it was superb. More jumping in the swimming hole.
Day 9Last trail work day came and went. Spent most of my time working a section completely muddy and trashed by a couple unkempt mountain springs. Made some troughs to divert the run off away from the trail, and landscaped the area. Hopefully it dries out and is usable in a few weeks time. Had a short rain shower with some hail, followed by a great chili dinner. Said our official goodbyes to the trail and gave out a couple rocks, receiving one from Tom, and giving mine out to JR. There are some pretty amazing people here, and I've loved learning about every one. Note to self: don't forget owl wrestling, pick-a-dance, or the Yeti chant, or chicken evolution.
Day 10
The final full day in the backcountry. Tomorrow we begin the 7 mile hike back to civilization. It rained most of last night and today has been mostly cloudy and the coldest day so far on this trip. Fall is definetly in place here, and its not even September yet. I spent most of the day doing nothing. Used the morning to watch the proffesional trail crew load up and head out, then a group lunch on the rocks down by the creek. Took a 2 hour nap, read the second half of my book, and ended the day with a huge dinner consisting of Lentil soup, salad, garlic bread, greek pasta, and butterscotch pie. Wow. I miss home and am ready to return, but at the same time I hate to leave this place. The scenery, and the people I have encountered have made it a very special and magical place. I look forward to returning soon to explore the many other areas of the park. Sperry Chalet is one possibility!
Day 11
Rained all night down where we were camping. When I woke, I was quickly greeted by a beautifuly light coating of snow on the upper slopes surrounding us. Pretty cool to experience the first snow of the Fall/Winter season, and I"m sure many more will follow. Waited a while in the morning for the mules to come, and once they did we began the hike out. The 2 fords were easier than when we came in, and we were happily greeted by the trail guy who had his hand cut by the chain saw. Headed back to the park headquarters, and then finally to Kalispell to get cleaned up in a hotel, and have one last group dinner...MEXI NIGHT! A long day tomorrow, with many hours in a cramped airplane seat. Whats this about a tropical storm in D.C.? Hmm... Great trip!

Good Song:
The Essex Green - Don't Know Why(You Stay)
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