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Friday, December 16, 2005

Lucky Strike

Bowling goes clubbing?

The D.C. Tri Club had their holiday happy hour last night at a little downtown bowling alley called Lucky Strike. I happily attended, met some new people, and bowled a REALLY crappy game. This isn't your typical smokey, redneck-filled bowling alley. No, this is bowling D.C. style. Cosmic bowling for adults, if you will. A little pricey, but definetly a cool place to hang out.

Look forward to going back. For more info check this little article out by the Washington Post.

Tuesday, December 13, 2005

Its official.

Probably the greatest lunchtime snack, EVER!!!

...that is all.

Sunday, December 11, 2005


Took a day trip out to Wisp, which is located in FARRRRR western Maryland. Like, FAR!

As soon as I arrived at the mountain it started snowing, it was perfect. At first the wind was gusting, and made it a bit dificult to see but after an hour it let up and kept on lightly snowing enough to put a fine powder down on the trails.

It was my first time at Wisp, and it has all the making of a great ski has the snow, the temperatures, the location, BUT the mountain. The trails are just too damn short. They have the steepness, but a few turns later and you're at the bottom waiting in line for a ride back tot he top. I spent most of my time in the terrain park, which was weak at best. A couple rails, a tabletop, and a little spine...hardly big at all. Oh well, next time I'll try some other places.

It was still sweet to get out there, though!

Good Song: Mobius Band - Radio Coup

Saturday, December 10, 2005

mmmm, snow.

Its been mighty cold in the nation's capital over the past week or so. We've gotten a few inches of snow here and there....which means the ski resorts out in the mountains have been getting their fair share too, and making more as we speak.

Wisp is having a special this weekend to coincide with their season opening. $7 dollar lift ticket for the entire day on Sunday in honor of their 50th anniversary! Can't pass that up! I'll be sure to report back, and let you know how it compares to the 'Nut and good 'ol Wintergreen. I'll hopefully have a couple pics of me carving through that fresh pow-pow (translation: fresh snow), as well!

See you on the slopes!

Good Song: matt pond PA - Halloween

Thursday, December 8, 2005


Guest entry from Dwight K. Schrute (the one with the elf hat)...

GOOD MORNING INTERNET!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

To you, my incredible internet, I dedicate my blog. You, the world wide web, make all of our lives possible. What did we do before you existed? How did we get by?

Here's what you provide me, what you allow me:

1) The ability to check my e-mail

2) Holiday shopping for all my friends (11) and family (43).

3) My blog

4) Videos of violent accidents

5) The ability to research weather patterns, the klingon language, the karma sutra, and/or chevy slant-6 engines from 1979-1982.

6) German culture

7) Images of women

Speaking of women, what is up with the fairer sex? Why are they so moody and impulsive and emotional?

Dear readers of Schrute-Space (many, many of whom are women) I need help in understanding what makes chicks tick.

For instance, I will hear a certain girl say "Do I look fat?" And I will respond, "What do you mean by fat? In some cultures, (bush pygmies), you would be considered 'hefty' or 'chunky' even. But to others (wisconsin) you would be as skinny as an anorexic."

My observations are true and correct and yet I'm the one who has to apologize and buy 8 dozen roses and a dinner at Red Lobster in order to make up for it.

As Science officers Spock or Data would say, "highly illogical, Captain."

Speaking of which. Who would win in a fight?

Spock, Data, Bruce Lee or Sly Stallone from 'Judge Dredd'?


That is all.

Dwight K. Schrute

PS. Christmas is upon us. This year I have decided to dress as an elf. On my head at least. The rest of me is dressed as Dwight.

PPS. I want everyone who reads this blog to have a wonderful holiday season (including Hannukah and Kwanzaa and Ramadan) and I want everyone who doesn't read this blog to have a sucky holidays.

Wednesday, December 7, 2005

CVS = Rip off

First, the bad news:

It cost me over $90 dollars to get 4 rolls of film put on a CD when I took it to CVS. It also took them almost a week to do this. Ridiculous? I think so. I would highly recommend NOT taking any film to CVS to have developed. Or, if you do make sure you know exactly what you're getting and how much you can expect it will be. Don't get ripped me. Damn it.

The good news:

The film I did have put on CD is pretty good, I'd like to think. I posted them to my Flikr account for your viewing pleasure (just click on the link to the right). These were taken when I was travelling across the country to different Xterra races setting up a mobile retail store during the summer of 2004. It was a pretty good gig, I gotta tell you. Theres nothing like riding your bike, hiking, and camping in some of the most picturesque places this country has to offer, oh and doing a little work now and then, too. Enjoy!

Good Song: Badly Drawn Boy - You Were Right

Saturday, December 3, 2005

Earth Magnet.

Dislocated finger. Yah, I doesn't look that bad, and that may be because I was lucky enough to pop it back in place before it swelled too much. I assure you that did not feel good either. Yay, lucky me!!

How did I do it? Mountain biking, duh. The first decent sized downhill of the day I, being my awesome self, was trying to be a little too fancy going through a big pile of leaves. Little did I know, that underneath that well placed pile was a lovely tire grabbing ditch. A little turn here, and a wobble there, aaaand goodbye front wheel hello ground! Along with the finger, came a few strawberries on the knee, elbow, and hip. Have you ever been in the shower after you just got one of those bad boys? Wow, does it sting! Oh happens.

It was still worth it, cause those trails at Patapsco were some of the nicest I've been on in the greater D.C. area. Next time I just won't try and be so damn fancy.


Good Song: Nada Surf - Concrete Bed
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