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Monday, October 30, 2006

A learning experience.

Well, the marathon is over. I am limping up and down stairs, and eating and drinking everything in sight. I came out of it with a 3:48:13. Which, depending on how you look at it could be good or bad. Good that its a personal best by about 30 minutes compared to my first marathon(this being my second). Bad that at the 15 mile marker I was on pace to run a 3:05 or so. I guess there is something in this whole "pacing" thing I keep hearing about. Plus I didn't eat or drink enough I think, and thus had a 1-2-3 punch knockout of hardcore bonk and severe leg cramps and a killer headwind in miles 18 to 22 - without an adequate (read: salty goodness) aid station in sight equals mucho walking. S'all good. I think with more running, and tempo during the longer runs I can easily keep that pace I was on for the rest of the race. Here are how the splits fell out:

START 5 Mile 10 Mile Half 15 Mile 20 Mile 23.5 Mile FINISH
8:35:16 AM EST 0:34:10 1:08:24 1:31:05 1:46:42 2:39:33 3:13:50 03:48:13
TIME Chip Time: 03:48:13 Clock: 03:48:27 Pace: 8:42

Placement Overall: 2556 Gender: 2071 Division: 167

I was also 436th female across the line. Holla!

And of course a shout-out to everyone that came out to give their support. It meant so much to see you cheering. Thanks!

You stay

Good Song: All-American Rejects - It Ends Tonight


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