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Thursday, November 2, 2006

Hello, sun?

Is it too early to have S.A.D? You know, that whole Seasonal Affective Disorder. It must be serious, as there are entire websites devoted to it. I know the time only changed a couple days ago, but damn, this no-sun thing really hurts. I wake up - workout, dark. Go to work, no windows. Go home, dark again! Can't win... There is really only one clear solution to this: Buy a place in New Zealand. Its still summer there, and I think it will really help with "the womens" if I could tell them I have another place in the So. Hemisphere. Thoughts/feelings?

Well, back to staring at this kitten. Its the only thing thats going to get me through until March.

Peace out!

Good Song: The Polyphonic Spree - Mental Cabaret


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